Find your motivation.


With the world opening back up, and furlough ending, the lucky people who have come through this unprecedented time with a job and office to return to, maybe feeling grateful, but lacking the want and motivation to return in the first place!

For those who maybe struggling with motivation, I’m going to let you into a little secret (drum roll please), motivation, like most things is an internal job!! The external stimulus filters through our metaprogrammes and belief system, the internal dialogue takes control and whether negative or positive we then act upon it, It happens to everyone. You have a bad day, your mind starts to wander, and you think about all the great jobs you could be doing instead. The jobs you dreamed of as a child. The glamorous jobs. The worthy jobs. The jobs that pay ridiculous amounts of money……..however, before you reach for your keyboard and start searching for a new career, take some time to reflect on the job that you already have, and control the thought process to stay motivated!

Setting daily goals and rewarding yourself when successfully completed are a sure quick way to find motivation.

So set yourself this goal, to go on a self coaching journey by also asking yourself these questions………

Why did I take this job?
You were once attracted to this job enough to fill out an application form and attend an interview. What was it that made you jump for joy when you were told the job was yours? Do those good things still apply? Concentrate on the positives in your job to try and recapture some of that first-day enthusiasm, speak to colleagues about some fun things that happened in the workplace that you may have forgotten.

Do I actually know what I want?
How many times have you said to yourself ‘I don’t know what I want, but it’s not this’? Knowing what you don’t like will not help you be happy in your work. Think about what you do want. What is your long term plan? Consider what you would like to be doing in the next six months, five years even! Then think about how this current job fits with that plan.  If you can see how going to work every day is helping you to achieve your goals, you will be motivated to get out of bed in the morning. If your current job isn’t a good fit with your ambitions, think about how it can be expanded (see advice below), is your current employment funding your future plans or does it give you free time to focus on future ventures?

Can I expand my role if I have capacity?
You can have a more challenging and rewarding day at work by expanding your duties. If you think you are ready to take on more responsibility, or want to try something new, speak to those in the know. Be specific about what you would like and why and reassure them that this will have no impact on your ability to do your regular work. If your enhanced role proves to be a success for you and the company, you may be next in line for a pay-rise or promotion. At the very least it can enable you to learn new skills and develop.

Can I do something else?
Don’t quit your job. Do your job and something new. Work on a side hustle! I personally had one and now it is my full time business……I followed it because it was my passion……….I was naturally drawn to it………………I know it was right because I was committed and motivated for it to succeed…………I walk the walk and talk the talk!!!

However, if a side hustle isn’t your thing and you feel that your work is pointless, or not for a good cause, it can be demotivating. Try looking at this differently. Your job pays your bills and leaves you with enough free time to do something worthwhile, make sure you do things worthwhile, connect with people, learn a new skill, exercise, spend your hard earned cash!! Is there a cause you would like to support? Are there any skills, or contacts you have gained through your job that can help you with this? use your free time to make a difference to the world, if you so choose. You may be able to persuade your workplace and colleagues to support a good cause. Many companies allow staff to swap a number of working hours to volunteer for a local charity. A day helping out at an animal shelter, or repainting a local community centre can be a fun, and an inexpensive team-building activity for your department and fantastic for morale and mental wellbeing also.

Reflect, refocus and remotivate yourself
The key to being motivated in your job is to accept that the job is not your whole life. Remind yourself of the things you like about your work, and how it fits with your long-term goals. Think about what is lacking in your job. Identify how you can fill those gaps through adapting your current role or finding a new activity in your free-time. When you are having a bad day, searching through the job boards can feel like the best way out. But recognising what you already have, and making the best of it is often the quickest, and most straight-forward solution. Nothing is stopping you from looking for new employment but do not make a long term decision based on a short term emotion!

A key point I make to many a client is the fact that if nothing changes, nothing will change, get off your butt and be the change you want to be! Motivation is an inner game and we all play this one before the outer one.

That said if your employment is causing a real strain on your mental health, well that maybe a story for another day!

NLP is a great resource to use when I personally work with clients for motivational change.

For more information on motivating yourself or team contact today.