Say you are short on time? Here is why this is never an excuse for not reaching your goals or changing unfavourable situation.
How often have you heard yourself say that you are short on time? Probably more than you realise. It is no secret that our lives are busy and that we have lots of things on our minds, but does this mean that we are short on time
We all have 24 hours a day
It sounds like the most obvious statement in the world, but we all have exactly the same amount of hours in our day. No matter where you live in the world, no matter whether or not you have children, no matter what type of job you have and what hours you work. There is always going to be 24 hours in each and every day.
Sure, some people have more “spare time” than others, depending on their own personal or professional choices. However, it is what you do with the 24 hours within your day that will really make a difference to what you can achieve.
You might not like the idea of getting up early or perhaps using your lunch break or weekends to reach your own personal goals, but if this is the spare time that is open to you, then perhaps that means this time is your window to achieving your goals?
A lack of time is the perfect excuse
Many of us have things that we dream of being able to do or just want to do something different. Some people want to be able to run a marathon, some may want to lose weight, others may decide that they want to change their career. However, the idea of actually having a go to achieve these goals is enough to terrify you and what better excuse can you have to not even have a go in the first place, by saying you don’t have time?
Saying that you don’t have time to actually go and do those meaningful things will mean that you will never ever have to worry about failure or about pushing yourself into a space that you are not entirely comfortable with.
If you want something enough, then you will find time
The secret to time is that if you want something enough, then you are going to find some spare. Think about when you have really wanted to do something or get something, you have found the time to spare. Even with your family and work commitments to think about, in fact for me personally time with my family is non negotiable, but the great thing about time is that even the smallest little bit of it is going to make a difference the more that you do it. Which means that there really is no excuse not to go and work towards your desired outcome, even if it just by dedicating 10-20 minutes each and every day (which again personally is all I have at times!). If you are serious about your vision, you will ALWAYS find time.
Think that you need a little help when it comes to making the most of every second in your life In order to reach your full potential? As an accredited NLP Life and Mental performance coach based in highworth near Swindon, I help people to get the results they want and change the ones they don’t.
If you do what you’ve always done, you will get what you’ve always had.
Contact me for more information.